b'GATE AUTOMATIONWe supply a wide range of security gates for internal and external uses.Wedesignandprovidefullyfunctionalbespokegatesthat include reception and carpark barriers, anti-ram raid bollards and full height turnstiles. We also offer a range of control options - from the simple choice of radio remote controls, keypads, GSM telephony-based intercoms up to fully fledged, computer interfaced, proximity reader access control systems. Powereddoorandgatesafetyisnotjustabouttheindividual components, but the way they are combined to fit a particular set ofcircumstances,andwhatprocessesarefollowedovertimeto maintain safety. Our gate and barrier systems are designed and fitted by our own qualified experts who will ensure your power-driven gate will respond safely when any person interacts with it. Ourdesigntakesintoaccountanyforeseeableinteractionsthat may exceed normal use e.g., children playing around or with the motorised gate. We allow for normal wear and tear, as well as adverse environmentalinfluences,particularlywind,rain,snowandother debris that can impair function and cause a health & safety hazard. Remote site entry and exit can be managed by our Command-and-Control Monitoring Centre operators too.Scan the QR codefor more information'